Upgrade Fireboxes Now

This is an important reminder from Watchguard to make sure that your Fireboxes are updated to the most current versions of Fireware OS. A key best practice component of network security is to make sure your network devices run the most recent versions of firmware.

The latest versions of Fireware OS provide enhanced security features, such as Firebox System Integrity checking. They also include security fixes that are critical to keeping your network secure.

Before you Upgrade

We recently alerted our customers to the risks associated with the Cyclops Blink botnet. If you have not already used the WatchGuard-provided tools to detect the presence of Cyclops Blink on your Firebox and remediate if necessary, we recommend you do that before you upgrade. If you have already taken those steps, you do not need to take them again. For more information about Cyclops Blink, go to detection.watchguard.com.

Latest Fireware Versions

These versions of Fireware include the latest security fixes and enhancements.

Firebox Model Protected Fireware Release
Firebox T20, T40, T55, T70, T80, M270, M290,
M370, M390, M400, M440, M470, M500,
M570, M590, M670, M690, M4600, M4800,
M5600, M5800
Firebox v12.7.2 Update 2 (build 655803)
Fireware v12.8*
Firebox T10, T15, T30, T35, T50, M200, M300 Fireware v12.5.9 Update 2 (build 655824)
XTM 25, 26, 33, 330, 850, 860, 870, 1050, 1520,
1525,2050, 2520
Fireware v12.1.3 Update 8 (build 655817)

*Fireware v12.8 was released on 17 March 2022. While all security fixes are included in Fireware v12.7.2 Update 2 for supported models, we encourage you to upgrade to Fireware v12.8 if possible. It is industry best practice to keep network security appliances updated with the latest firmware.

How to Upgrade a Watchguard Firebox

For instructions on how to upgrade a Firebox, see this video tutorial or use these instructions in Fireware Help:

As a courtesy to Firebox and XTM appliance owners, we are allowing Fireware updates to specific releases, even to customers who may not have a current Support subscription and some EOL Firebox models, with no feature key extension required.

If you have questions or need help upgrading a Firebox, please contact WatchGuard Support for assistance.

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