World Earth Day has been celebrated since the 1970s, with the aim of educating people about the importance of looking after the Earth, raising awareness, and encouraging global action against problems such as climate change, unsustainable practices, pollution, and more.

Comms Express is an IT networking reseller, and with that comes the use of paper, plastic, and general packaging materials like cardboard and bubble wrap. However, we have been making many changes company-wide to ensure that we work towards downsizing our carbon footprint.

Reducing, reusing, and recycling our packaging:

We know that the most important thing when receiving your order is to get the product on time, safely, and hassle-free. Therefore, we now use less than half the virgin cardboard we used to use for packaging orders. So if your product comes in branded packaging that is different from your order, don’t worry; we are just reusing the packaging!

From non-friendly to eco-friendly cleaning products and appliances:

In our offices, we also use eco-friendly cleaning products. It’s a very easy change to make and has many environmental advantages. For example, eco-cleaning products are usually made from biodegradable ingredients and therefore reduce pollution and harm to ecosystems when washed down the drain. We’ve also reduced our energy usage company-wide through the use of eco-radiators and energy-efficient lightbulbs.

Paperless and always GDPR-compliant:

Comms Express is now officially paperless, printing only 5% of what we used to! With environmental threats like deforestation, being a paperless business reduces the demand for paper and helps to conserve the significant amount of resources (water, energy, etc.) needed to make paper. Our confidential waste is also now shredded and repurposed, so we can remain GDPR-compliant while upping our recycling game.

Comms Express goals for 2024:

Plastic is a durable material and continually builds up in landfills, oceans, and waterways, causing constant pollution. Therefore, our goal for 2024 is to reduce the use of plastic packaging in our own brand products by 50%.

At Comms Express, we are continuing to work on new ways to be more environmentally friendly because it’s not just on Earth Day that it matters. So take a moment to appreciate our incredible planet and have a think about what you could do to help the environment. We will be!