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SonicWall Nsa 9450 Network Security Manager Essential

SonicWall Nsa 9450 Network Security Manager Essential

by SonicWall
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Part No:FE02-SSC-9450
Manufacturer No:02-SSC-9450
Delivery: In Stock: 1-3 Days


SonicWall Nsa 9450 Network Security Manager Essential
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    SonicWall Nsa 9450 Network Security Manager Essential

    SonicWall Network Security Manager Essential - For Nsa 9450

    Whether you’re protecting a small business, a distributed enterprise, multiple businesses, or a closed network, your network security can get overwhelmed by operational disarrays, unseen risks and regulatory demands. Historically, efficient firewall management practices have mostly relied on dependable systems and operation control measures. However, frequent errors, misconfigurations and perhaps even violations of those controls remain to be constant challenges for wellrun Security Operation Centers (SOCs).

    SonicWall Network Security Manager (NSM), a multi-tenant centralized firewall manager, allows you to centrally manage all firewall operations error-free by adhering to auditable workflows. Reporting and Analytics¹,² give single-pane visibility and lets you monitor and uncover threats by unifying and correlating logs across all firewalls.

    NSM also helps you stay compliant as it provides full audit trails of every configuration change and granular reporting. The solution scales to any size organization that manages networks with up to thousands of firewall devices deployed across many locations. NSM does it all with less effort and time.

    Be in control: Orchestrate firewall operations from one place

    NSM offers you everything you need for a unified firewall management system. It empowers you with tenant-level visibility, group-based device control and unlimited scale to centrally manage and provision your SonicWall network security operations. These include deploying and managing all firewall devices, device groups and tenants, synchronizing and enforcing consistent security policies across your environments with flexible local controls and monitoring everything from one dynamic dashboard with detailed reports and analytics. NSM enables you to manage all from a single user-friendly console that can be accessed from any location using any browser-enabled device.

    Be more effective: Work smarter and take security actions faster with less effort

    NSM is a productivity management tool that enables you to work smarter and take security actions faster with less effort. Its design is guided by business processes and grounded on the principle of simplifying and, in some cases, automating workflows to achieve better security coordination. Also, it helps reduce the complexity, time and overhead of performing every-day security operations and administration tasks.

    Be more aware: investigate hidden risks with active monitoring, reporting and analytics

    NSM interactive dashboard provides real-time monitoring and reporting and analytics data. The information helps you troubleshoot problems, investigate risks and take smart security policy actions for a more adaptive security posture.

    Feature Comparison

    Feature Essential Advanced
    Reporting 7 Days 365 Days

    SonicWall Network Security Manager Essential - For Nsa 9450

    Whether you’re protecting a small business, a distributed enterprise, multiple businesses, or a closed network, your network security can get overwhelmed by operational disarrays, unseen risks and regulatory demands. Historically, efficient firewall management practices have mostly relied on dependable systems and operation control measures. However, frequent errors, misconfigurations and perhaps even violations of those controls remain to be constant challenges for wellrun Security Operation Centers (SOCs).

    SonicWall Network Security Manager (NSM), a multi-tenant centralized firewall manager, allows you to centrally manage all firewall operations error-free by adhering to auditable workflows. Reporting and Analytics¹,² give single-pane visibility and lets you monitor and uncover threats by unifying and correlating logs across all firewalls.

    NSM also helps you stay compliant as it provides full audit trails of every configuration change and granular reporting. The solution scales to any size organization that manages networks with up to thousands of firewall devices deployed across many locations. NSM does it all with less effort and time.

    Be in control: Orchestrate firewall operations from one place

    NSM offers you everything you need for a unified firewall management system. It empowers you with tenant-level visibility, group-based device control and unlimited scale to centrally manage and provision your SonicWall network security operations. These include deploying and managing all firewall devices, device groups and tenants, synchronizing and enforcing consistent security policies across your environments with flexible local controls and monitoring everything from one dynamic dashboard with detailed reports and analytics. NSM enables you to manage all from a single user-friendly console that can be accessed from any location using any browser-enabled device.

    Be more effective: Work smarter and take security actions faster with less effort

    NSM is a productivity management tool that enables you to work smarter and take security actions faster with less effort. Its design is guided by business processes and grounded on the principle of simplifying and, in some cases, automating workflows to achieve better security coordination. Also, it helps reduce the complexity, time and overhead of performing every-day security operations and administration tasks.

    Be more aware: investigate hidden risks with active monitoring, reporting and analytics

    NSM interactive dashboard provides real-time monitoring and reporting and analytics data. The information helps you troubleshoot problems, investigate risks and take smart security policy actions for a more adaptive security posture.

    Feature Comparison

    Feature Essential Advanced
    Reporting 7 Days 365 Days
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